You may purchase our services, in advance by purchasing this voucher. The advantage of purchasing this in advance is that you can get a discount on our hourly rate. The voucher can be used on all new matters and areas of law, but you must advise us that you would like to use this voucher before any work on your matter is started. If you wish to utilise this service, the process is as follows: 1. Click on this item in the Acelaw Internet shop and purchase it. 2. You will be sent a confirmation of Purchase email. 3. When you are ready to redeem your voucher, you simply email us with your name, address, telephone number and a very brief outline of what your legal problem is and confirm that you wish to redeem your voucher. 4. We will reply to you by either telephone or email and assist you from this point. 5. Please note that our hourly rate will be charged in quarter hour increments. Should you not use the full value of the Voucher you have purchased, you are entitled to use the remainder of the Voucher on a different new matter. However, this voucher will expire after a period of 12 months.